
用英语说,可以有不同的表达方式, 但是要注意动词:“试了”和“失败了”的先后动作的产生,“试了”是先行,所以要采用动词的过去分词;“失败了”是后来发生的动作,应要采用动词的过去式:


He had tried for an hour, in the end he still failed.

He had tried for an hour, eventually he nevertheless failed.

He had tried for an hour, in the end he still got nothing.

He had tried for an hour, eventually he nevertheless got nothing.

He had tried for an hour, in the end he still fell flat.

He had tried for an hour, eventually he nevertheless fell flat.

He had tried for an hour, in the end he still went burst.

He had tried for an hour, eventually he nevertheless went burst.


“他试了”英语说法是:He had tried ;

“一个钟头”英语说法是:for an hour ;

“终究”英语说法是:in the end 或是 eventually ;

“还是”英语说法是:still 或是 nevertheless ;

“失败了”英语说法是:failed / got nothing. / fell flat. 或是 went burst.

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