2022-09-24 一会儿英语(请问有关“一会儿,片刻”的意思的英语词组有哪些)
1、一会儿a little while, for a moment, in a minute, in a moment,in a while, for a second, an instant。... [了解更多]
2022-09-24 climb是什么意思(与climb有关的词组有哪些)
1.爬,攀登 They climbed out through the window. 他们从窗户爬了出来。 2.(太阳等)徐徐上升;(物价等)逐渐上升 The price of grain climbed back. 粮价逐渐回升了。 3.(植物)攀缘向上;(道路等)倾斜向上 The... [了解更多]
2022-09-24 called是什么意思(与called的近义词组)
近义词组是Be known as,表示被称为,例如: 1.This design came to be known as the Oriental style.这种设计后来被称为东方风格。 2.Increasingly, companies are tapping into these desires directly through what has come... [了解更多]