2022-09-25 植树节诗句(植树节的诗句)
观种树 唐-孟郊 种树皆待春,春至难久留。 君看朝夕花,谁免离别愁。 心意已零落,种之仍未休。 胡为好奇者,无事自买忧。 种树 唐-于鹄 一树新栽益四邻,野夫如到旧山春。 树成... [了解更多]
2022-09-25 植树节英语作文(植树的意义英语作文)
篇一 Yesterday was Tree Planting Day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there. Our teacher showed us how to plant trees,then we started to do it. Some dug the pits, some... [了解更多]